Pieksämäki parish

Every Day and Sundays


Pieksämäki parish is a community that wants to be a part of people`s everyday life as well as their Sundays, share the gospel and offer opportunities to serve and help their others. The parish is part of the worldwide church of Christ and the Finnish Evangelic-Lutheran church. The Lutheran church developed during the Sixteenth Century as a consequence of the German reformation. The content of the church´s beliefs can be found in the creeds. The Finnish Evangelic-Lutheran church is an ecumenically open, welcoming and active church.


The Sunday service and other holy days form the main focus and center for the life of the parish. The Lord of the church, Christ, wants to strengthen the members of His church to serve their neighbours in every day in their everyday.


The everyday work is done both by the parish employees and the volunteers, which includes working with children, youngsters, adults and all those who need help. The aim of this service to others is to encourage faith, hope and love.


Examples of some of the Pieksämäki parish activities are the children's and families' clubs, youth camps, confirmation school, adults' clubs, choirs and orchestras and other organised events. Every activity needs the support of volunteers. If you are in need of any kind of help, please contact the deacons. Feel free to ask about anything concerning this work from the employees.


Pieksämäki parish operates around the town, in the centre, at the 'Uusi kirkko' (New Church) and the 'Vanha kirkko' (Old Church) where the Sunday service is held alternately. Check the place at the 'Kirkot ja tilat’ –page. There are also activities in Jäppilä, Virtasalmi and Naarajärvi.


For immigrants and locals there is A multicultural café once a month in the autumn and winter time at the New Church.